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Abscess Drainage Specialist

Clinica San Miguel

Family Medicine located in San Antonio, Farmers Branch, Dallas, Houston, Arlington, Fresno, & Pasadena, TX

An abscess is an infected or inflamed area of the skin that causes a large, pus-filled lump to form. At Clinica San Miguel, which has 12 locations throughout Texas, including three in Dallas, five in Houston, and one in Fresno, Arlington, Farmers Branch, San Antonio, and Pasadena, the family medicine specialists offer prompt care for abscesses. Abscess drainage is a safe and effective technique to treat these painful bumps. To learn more about abscess drainage, call Clinica San Miguel or schedule an appointment online today.

Abscess Drainage Q & A

What is abscess drainage?

An abscess is a pus-filled lump that forms beneath an inflamed area of the skin. Most abscesses form from bacterial infections and can develop nearly anywhere on the body, particularly in the extremities. 

Small abscesses often disappear on their own, but larger lumps may require professional treatment. Abscess drainage involves puncturing the lump to remove its pus. Once the pus drains, the abscess is more likely to heal on its own.

What happens during abscess drainage?

When you arrive for your appointment, the family medicine team at Clinica San Miguel cleans and sterilizes the treatment area to prevent infection. Next, they administer a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

To perform the drainage, your physician makes a careful incision toward the top of the abscess with a thin needle. Pus then drains out of the abscess pocket, which the team cleans with a sterile solution.

Depending on the size of the abscess, the team may leave the abscess open or place space inside the pocket to keep it open. Finally, they cover the abscess with a wound dressing to protect it and absorb any additional pus.

How can I prepare for abscess drainage?

You should avoid touching your abscess before your appointment to avoid complications. In many instances, the team at Clinica San Miguel prescribes antibiotics beforehand to treat the infection. A course of antibiotics also prevents the infection from spreading to other areas of the body.

Can I perform abscess drainage myself?

While it may be tempting to try draining an abscess yourself, doing so can have serious consequences. Only a qualified physician has the necessary training to perform abscess drainage without spreading the infection or damaging your skin.

What is the recovery like after abscess drainage?

Most patients can drive themselves home after the procedure. However, if the abscess is on your leg, it can impair your ability to drive. The abscess typically continues to drain pus and fluid after the procedure. 

It’s important to change your wound dressing once the fluid soaks through it. Pus can continue to drain for up to two days after you return home.

If the team suspects you have an infection, they may prescribe antibiotics after the procedure. Pain medication may also be available to relieve any discomfort you experience while you heal.

To learn more about abscess drainage, call Clinica San Miguel or schedule an appointment online today.